Monday, March 16, 2009

Shameless Plugs Shameless Wolfies and Feeling a Lil Blue...

You said North,
I headed South.
Tossed overboard.
Good Lord, that's a really large mouth

Yeah I Feel some days that this is me....God sometimes tells to me go one way...and I purposely do something else..and end eaten by a huge as whale. Namely the big ol white whale named Depression but todays post is not actually but that today. Today I am posting bout people and there purposeful obstinance bout...Uh everything lol. Why when you are told to do something you listen and say " F you !" Cause that is so me! I hate that bout myself some days and others I revel in it with a giant smile on my face..and I just don t know which is really me... I just don t get that. Then again most days I don t get me now lol!
Itys now time for shameless plugs...My wife started a new forum for Christiam mommies and it is at... Its a great place for christian mommies talk bout...uh mommie stuff really its self explanitory.

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