Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Watchmen: A must see.

Ok let me get this out da way....Watchmen is a good F'n movie. Not a blow you out da water, OMG type movie, but a decent flick. As a fan of the graphic novel I do have some issues wit the movie. I have heard "Its too graphic" "Its a slave to the source material". Now I understand its an intense ride of a movie ( so is the comic) and I aint one to see bouncing schwan all the time either , but the violence did not brother me, the sex scene I felt was not needed though. It really was kinda ham handed and over long. I am gonna say FTR that I do believe that Rorschach and the comedians actors should be put up for an award. They were their respective characters. the ending was decent not the best but i went in fearing worse. So all and all...You gotta go see this movie it is a buyer not a renter.

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