Wednesday, August 13, 2008


The man cut an arrogant stride as he pushes the lengths of blond black hair out of his face. Pulling open the Brooks brothers suit jacket open to expose a five hundred dollar belt of soft Italian leather and a custom dagger of gold and silver he smiles a sardonic smile as the fires of hell reflects in his clear hazel eyes...

No that isn t a start of a new story its how i once perceived what was cool. I mean its dark and full of stuff ill never have like money or a suit lol! But it reflects my point to what this post is about...Perceptions.

First perceptions of things around you as you grow up. Things that You thought were cool you find lacking..(like the whole goth scene for instance. You find that maturity is not as unattainable that you perceived it was...But it s still a pain in da ass let me tell you.

Secondly peoples perceptions bout you rarely change..Once you are one thing there is no changing peoples mind. I mean just ask people at BK I am still a pervy fuck head in most their minds and if i became a priest and a monk and shunned everything secular in my life..I would still be a pervy fuck head loL!

Oh wait i am a pervy fuck head in my mind too bad example lol! ( i just said fuck head three times now..There went my pg 13 label..)

Thirdly and lastly....DON T LIVE BY PERCEPTIONS! yours or someone else just go out there blaze your path and Do YOU! Ill blaze up a marlboro and Ill DO ME and we shouldn t care what peoples x y and Z give a shit about...

Okay time for song of the day and it comes in video form lol. In light of what you just read look at the song title and be ready for a Confrontation...Otep..

And a kitty too...

more cat pictures

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