Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Hammr and nails...a remembrence

Hammers and Nails
Jason Prosser

Hammer Nails
And the crown upon his head
Blood and tears
For the ones who Know not what they do…
Driven deep on that cross
Driven deeper In his flesh
Hope this drives it deeper into your heart
Hammer and nails
And the sweat on your brow
The nuts and bolts are there
But I know not what I do
Drive the lesson deeper Lord
Remind me what is your Word
I implore light my path like a million suns
And Ill walk it.
Hammer and Nails
And the spear in your side.
Teacher Rabbi and Gentle Lamb
Teach this one so I may be
Not lost one more time
The one you want to use
Clean my soul of the hurt ..
The pain
The scars you know all too well.

Well so Mrs. P had said something to me today about not hiding your lantern under a barrel as a christian and well I do that all the time. its not that I don t believe or don t care. Its just easier for me to hide among the dark and Wicked shit then it it is to be a shining example of Christianhood. You all know that Mrs P has or ish bout that and mine are ten times worse cause of doubt and self esteem ish. This poem is slightly a prayer for this to change and for me to grow a lil in my walk....And if anyone wants to help me...Uh HELP lol!

Till the wheels fall off this is da RIDE...Peace OUT!!

1 comment:

Mrs. P. said...

Very good babe. But believe me, I'm not this great strong Christian that you may think I am. It's something we both need to work on, together. Maybe we can draw near to God and each other with some Bible reading/devotions whenever you aren't bordering on exhaustion?
Much love,