Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The art of maskwearing in the age of Insanity

Well myspacers and blogspotters its time for a new post…but oh no not just any post nope this one is so weighty I am letting both blogs share one post…And what a schizophrenic post (also pretty darn deep and emotional too!) Now lets get it on!
I once told a few pal and a therapist bout my theory on masks…Which s prolly why I was on medication. “masks” are the [personalities we wrap are selves in at certain times, with certain types of ppl, or in situations where we feel the need to hide our true self . Now I have worn a few and wore a few out…
Like the dusty old “goth Mask” I wore this one a lot///Or this pain in the ass one. My “wolfy” mask. God that time sucked in my life. Oooh its my ol fav “work” mask. Though one mask I hate is this one: Its my “healer” mask. He is a hypocrite I mean he help any one through any prob fix em up good as new and send them away happy as a pig in new mud…but when was the last time I asked for help while wearing said mask. I could be on fire pissing blood stabbed in the neck and shot ten times and all you would here is..”man I am tired!” Never have I asked for help with my depression when I should or any one of the demons screaming in my head…..So though it helps others it hurts me…
Now the one things I am really worried bout is this: if these masks are false representations of myself and the hide what I really want. How can I know my wants and feelings….Can you if you spent years denying what is the core of your being? Can you even be sure bout what that is???? I am trying to see if what I think is me is really me. But I usually get a head ache and smoke a cig to really contemplate that whole vipers pit.
So in retrospect I am pretty sure I am a nutball and you should tell me that. Or just let me know how you feel bout my mask theory. But ask yourself this…Do you wear one too?!?!?!?


Mrs. P. said...

I just had to kinda laugh because my blog's freakin' title is bsaically all about what you're giving vent to here. "Through The Maze" is just me wandering and wondering those very same things. Essentially, who the FUCK am I? Like who am I really? And why don't I know that at my age?!?!?!
Honey, you are so not alone in this. Ok, well, either that, or we're sadistically well matched. :P
You're pick.
Much love babe. Always got your back, no matter what mask you're wearing at the moment.

Mrs. P. said...

Ermmmm ignore the typos and gramatical errors. It's late for me.